P040e: About components of a vector in an inertial-rotational system in which it evolves in time…

The Greiner’s book, explaining in its first pages about Newton’s Mechanics in rotating coordinate systems, proposes a differential equation based on two reference systems: inertial and rotating. Since the purpose of every differential equation is to find the solution function, it is in this case that there are three solution functions: each component of the vector that evolves in time. Therefore, this leads to developing a system of differential equations that at the same time build with its solution, the components of the solution function vector of the differential equation. Programmed in Simulink (the differential equation) and reconstructed the solution function vector with MATLAB (3D graph) I show you in this post, which I hope will be of interest to you. I also wanted to put a video, but that is already part of the Premium service that WordPress has. If you want to collaborate with the development of more programs, you are welcome… meanwhile we continue with what is possible to do.

Dr. Jorge Luis Mírez Tarrillo – PERU
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